Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Affiliation | Entry # | Handle |
Abodeely | Mike | Windham Country Club | 23 | Mike Abodeely |
Belanger | Susan | Apple Hill Golf Club | 9 | Susan Belanger |
Brodeur | Marlene | Pembroke Pines Country Club | 5 | Marlene Brodeur |
Brooks | Lori | Souhegan Woods Golf Club | 19 | Lori Brooks |
Burnham | Rich | Pembroke Pines Country Club | 6 | Rich Burnham |
Campbell | Diane | Pembroke Pines Country Club | 7 | Diane Campbell |
Campbell | John | Pembroke Pines Country Club | 8 | John Campbell |
Campbell | Kevin | Campbell's Scottish Highlands | 16 | Kevin Campbell |
Casserly | Lynn | Apple Hill Golf Club | 10 | Lynn Casserly |
Collins | Geoffrey | Apple Hill Golf Club | 12 | Geoffrey Collins |
Cosgrove | Candi | Windham Country Club | 21 | Candi Cosgrove |
Culbert | Michael | Breakfast Hill Golf Club | 1 | Michael Culbert |
Culbert | Peter | Breakfast Hill Golf Club | 2 | Peter Culbert |
Downall | Christine | Pease Golf Course | 29 | Christine Downall |
Downall | William | Pease Golf Course | 30 | William Downall |
Frazier | Ben | Souhegan Woods Golf Club | 20 | Ben Frazier |
Freda | Stacey | Windham Country Club | 24 | Stacey Freda |
Hillner | Jack | Apple Hill Golf Club | 11 | Jack Hillner |
Horner | Ruthann | Owl's Nest Golf Club | 27 | Ruthann Horner |
Hoyt | Leslie | Owl's Nest Golf Club | 28 | Leslie Hoyt |
Kearn | Joyce | Pease Golf Course | 31 | Joyce Kearn |
Labrie | Greg | Campbell's Scottish Highlands | 14 | Greg Labrie |
LaBrie | Teresa | Campbell's Scottish Highlands | 13 | Teresa LaBrie |
Livingstone | Peter | Windham Country Club | 22 | Peter Livingstone |
Moore | Kenneth | Souhegan Woods Golf Club | 18 | Kenneth Moore |
Park | Jeff | Owl's Nest Golf Club | 26 | Jeff Park |
Perkins | Cindy | Souhegan Woods Golf Club | 17 | Cindy Perkins |
Perkins | John | Owl's Nest Golf Club | 33 | John Perkins |
Rappoli | Carol | Breakfast Hill Golf Club | 4 | Carol Rappoli |
Rigg | Thomas | Breakfast Hill Golf Club | 3 | Thomas Rigg |
Sprouse | Paul | Pease Golf Course | 32 | Paul Sprouse |
Uhlman | Mike | Owl's Nest Golf Club | 25 | Mike Uhlman |
Wright | Pam | Campbell's Scottish Highlands | 15 | Pam Wright |